Within 24 hours, please fully check that your order is complete and undamaged upon receiving it. Claims against your order are best resolved if damage or shortages are reported immediately.  Make certain to keep all of your receipts and records concerning your order. Most warranties require that you produce the order-specific records to validate your claim.

Building code requirements for metal roofing applications vary by county and project. Contact your local building and zoning department for information prior to starting any construction. MetalMax acts only as a manufacturer of metal roofing, siding, and their components, and has no control over construction, application, or condition.


Proper care in storing and handling metal panels is essential in ensuring their longevity. Panels should be immediately installed. Any panels not immediately installed must be kept dry and stored in an indoor area. Extreme caution should be taken to prevent moisture penetration of the stack(s) by rain, snowfall, or condensation.

Condensation is moisture that accumulates naturally from the change in temperature of the material nestled in a stack where adequate ventilation has been restricted. Condensation trapped between the panels may cause permanent water staining on the metal.


Store the panels (stacks) indoors, off the ground on wooden blocks with one end slightly elevated. Cut banding to allow the stack to expand and allow a small amount of ventilation. Cover the stack with a loose canvas tarp or waterproof paper. Covering should be placed over the stack but never tightly secured to the ground to allow air flow.  Do not use plastic tarps under any circumstances. Plastic creates condensation.


Please be aware of all handling issues prior to handling your material either manually or mechanically. It is very important that sheets be removed from the stack by lifting up, not sliding off the bundle or skid. Sliding may cause abrasions to the finish, adversely affecting the long-term performance of the panel.

When handling panels manually, it is recommended that two people carry the sheet, each lifting and carrying approximately 1/3 of the total length from each end to support the sheet. Panels should be carried with the plane of the panel vertical to the ground. Carrying a panel horizontally may cause or allow the panel to buckle or crease in the center, deforming the panel and greatly decreasing the possibility of a weather-tight installation.

Carrying panels manually or by forklift is acceptable for panels up to 20-feet long. Any panels or bundles in excess of 20-feet in length should be moved by crane, using spreader bars to distribute the load. Be sure bundles are secured before lifting and supported on the ends during movement. Using wire cables to lift the bundle is not recommended, as it can cause damage to the bundle and/or sheets.

Keep foot traffic on installed panels to a minimum. When walking on panels, always step in flat areas between the ribs. Stepping on the ribs may deform or spread the rib.


Failure to comply with these safety, storage, and roofing procedures relieves MetalMax of any resultant damage or deterioration of MetalMax panels. It also voids any warranty that may be applicable. There is no implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for purpose.

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