MetalMax recommends cleaning a roof annually with a low pressure washer or hose pipe for general dirt and grime.


For a deeper clean, mix five (5) gallons of warm water per one (1) cup of Tide brand clothes detergent. Be sure to rinse all areas thoroughly after cleaning with detergent.

Important notes:

  • Check the label on the detergent to ensure it contains less than 0.05% phosphate.
  • Do NOT use Tide with Bleach.
  • Another option is to mix five (5) gallons of room temperature water per one (1) cup of household ammonia.


  • Start at the bottom of each panel, continuing to the top.
  • Use a well-soaked cloth, sponge, or very soft brush.
  • Wear rubber-soled shoes to avoid scratching the metal. They’re also safer to help prevent falls from the roof.
  • Rinse off panels as you go to prevent residue.
  • Clean the roof on a cloudy day to avoid the panels of drying too quickly, preventing a proper rinse.


You can safely remove tar, grease, caulk and oils with a cloth dampened with mineral spirits. Be sure to then clean the panel with a mild detergent and heavy rinsing. Also, don’t forget to dispose of the mineral spirit cloth in a safe manner.

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